Herts Bird Club – making the most of local birdwatching

Welcome to the Herts Bird Club website. We promote the study and recording of birds in Hertfordshire and encourage a wider interest in natural history including the conservation of wildlife habitats.

Avian Flu advice

Latest news

New feature : WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN....

A new website page is now available

What to Look for In....

accessible from the main menu on left hand side of the home page.

This page contains all the monthly 'What to Look for In...' articles, written by Herts Bird Club chairman Rupert Evershed, highlighting species to look out for in Hertfordshire each month.

February's installment is available now!

New species totals map for 2024

Do you still have some 2024 records to submit, or want to go somewhere new in 2025?

We now have a map showing where our birds were recorded in 2024. This map shows species totals for each 1km square in the county, taken from records submitted to the Herts Bird Club website.

The fully interactive map can be found here - please click on a 1km square to show the total number of species recorded


Following the Britsh Ornithologists' Union (BOU)’s decision to ‘lump’ Redpolls in line with the International Ornithological Commitee's decision, and in common with other record submission Apps , the following three species are no longer available in the Herts Bird Club website record submission, Species dropdown:

Lesser Redpoll
Common Redpoll
Arctic Redpoll

Instead please select Redpoll.

Latest Hertfordshire Bird Report

The Hertfordshire Bird Report, 2023

The Hertfordshire Bird Report 2023 was published and circulated to HNHS / Herts Bird Club members in November 2024. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society, Vol 56 (1) pp. 1-84.

Contents –  Review of the Year (Clifford Smout)

Systematic List

Canada Goose to Egyptian Goose (Vicky Buckel)
Shelduck to Teal (Graeme Bowd))
Red-crested Pochard to Ruddy Duck (Graham White)

Read more

Latest HNHS publication


Herts Invertebrate Project

Read here about how to join this new recording initiative.

Herts Atlas of Mammals, Amphibians and Reptiles

Please submit sightings and field signs of mammals, amphibians and reptiles to our countywide survey, full details at the Herts MARA website.

Hertfordshire Bird Atlas

All the results from the most recent Atlas (2007-12) and both previous atlas surveys available here.

Bird records

Please send us your Herts bird sightings through the records submission page. Use the Breeding status dropdown where applicable and Comment field to add notes of interest.

Latest sightings of interest are published on the right hand side of this page, once they have been checked by a moderator. Search for older published records by month/site/species in Sightings Archive


See details of some great places to visit in Hertfordshire at this time of year.

Take part in our  projects and surveys.

Buy a book, most HNHS books are now for sale at half price or less.

The success of the site depends on you, the users, entering your records and sending in interesting information, not only sightings which can be entered online but also reports on trips and additional site guides. We also welcome feedback on what you would like to see on the site: email birdweb@hnhs.org

Injured or orphan birds ? advice here.

The Herts Bird Club is part of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and our websites are integrated. We hope this will encourage those of you who have not investigated other aspects of wildlife in Hertfordshire to have a look around the HNHS website, discover what is available. Please submit your records of other wildlife, including mammals, amphibians, reptiles and dragonflies through the HNHS website.

Who's who in the Herts Bird Club.