Following the Britsh Ornithologists' Union (BOU)’s decision to ‘lump’ Redpolls in line with the International Ornithological Commitee's decision, and in common with other record submission Apps , the following three species are no longer available in the Herts Bird Club website record submission, Species dropdown:
Lesser Redpoll
Common Redpoll
Arctic Redpoll
Instead please select Redpoll.
If you are able to identify down to the level of the three previously recognised species above, please add a short description in the record submission Comment field. Lesser Redpoll is by far the mostly likely to be encountered in Herts, Common (Mealy) being scarce and Arctic very scarce (just two accepted records!)
This change is effective 1 Jan 2025; records of all Redpolls submitted so far in 2025 will be updated to Redpoll.
Like the British list, this does unfortunately mean we lose two species from The Herts List which now stands at 312.
Go to link below for further reading
Redpolls to become one species - BirdGuides
Image : Redpolls at St Ippolyts Dec 2020 © Michael Hooper