Publishing bird records and results of surveys and monitoring is a vital role of the Herts Bird Club. Records submitted through the website appear in 'Recent Sightings' on the home page and in the 'Sightings archive'. The Hertfordshire Bird Report is published every year and distributed free to Herts Bird Club members.
?The first Report on Hertfordshire Birds was published 138 years ago in 1878 by the Hertfordshire Natural History Society. A bird report has been published in most years ever since as part of the Transactions of the HNHS. ?The Hertfordshire Bird Report was first published as a separate part of the Transactions in 1980 and every year since. Contents of recent editions can be viewed here.
The annual Bird Report is distributed free to all current members of The Herts Bird Club and Hertfordshire Natural History Society.
The latest edition is available as part of the Herts Bird Club membership package. Membership costs ?12 per year - join now.