Promoting Hertfordshire's wildlife
Hertfordshire Natural History Society promotes the study and recording of the flora and fauna in Hertfordshire and encourages a wider interest in natural history including the conservation of wildlife, habitats and geological features. We have been studying and documenting the natural history of our county for 145 years.
We are a membership organisation, funded by voluntary subscriptions and donations and run entirely by volunteers. The Society was established in 1875, initially in Watford but soon extending throughout Hertfordshire. We are registered charity number 218418. Read more about the history of the Society.
The aim of our activities is to:
- encourage people to observe wildlife and keep records
- co-ordinate a network of county recorders covering the main taxa and groups to co-ordinate and collate wildlife records and provide expert advice
- organise field work and surveys on specific topics to extend our knowledge and to monitor changes, for example our 6-year countywide survey of dragonflies
analyse and archive the records and information
- publish information, articles and papers on natural history subjects in our journal and where appropriate books on specific topics, eg Moths of Hertfordshire
- provide information to support wildlife conservation
- encourage networking and exchange of views by hosting conferences each year, one on birds, one on general natural history
- support specialist activities within the Society including Herts Bird Club, Herts Moth Group and Herts Flora Group
- support members taking part in individual projects and countywide surveys making use of modern technology to monitor and record wildlife in the county and its changing fortunes
- work closely with other like minded organisations such as Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust, the Herts and Middlesex branch of Butterfly Conservation and London Natural History Society.
- promote the conservation of flora, fauna, habitats and geological features, particularly relating to Hertfordshire.
HNHS Awards celebrate excellence in natural history
The Trevor James Award (re-named in 2021) is presented each year to an outstanding Hertfordshire naturalist. The 1875 Award is presented someone who has made an outstanding contribution to natural history in Hertfordshire. More details here.