This ground breaking account of all 2,483 species of beetle so far recorded in Hertfordshire was published by the HNHS in July 2018.
Written by former County Recorder, the late Trevor James, it is beautifully illustrated with colour photographs and provides detailed information on the occurrence of every species, as well as their habitat needs and conservation status.
It is the first book to cover all the beetles reliably recorded in a UK county in such a comprehensive way, making it a landmark for future studies.
"This is the first book to cover all the beetles reliably recorded in a UK county in such a comprehensive way – it is a remarkable achievement and a landmark for future studies." Paul T. Harding, British Journal of Entomology and Natural History, 31, 2018.
"...a heroic achievement...this is an impressive book. It sets a new standard for county beetle faunas and will be a hard act to follow. I can unreservedly recommend it for anyone with an interest in British beetles." A.G. Duff, The Coleopterist.
Published in hardback in the same, attractive A4 format as our five existing wildlife atlases, the book's 496 pages include 750 distribution maps for the more widely-recorded beetle species. More than 600 colour photographs illustrate a group of insects whose intricacy and beauty are too easily overlooked.
The introductory offer for Beetles of Hertfordshire has now expired, but our website price of £45 (plus £10 p&p) is still £16 lower than the recommended retail price. Buyers who wish to save on the charge for mailing such a large book may arrange to collect their copy from the HNHS Secretary in St Albans (by prior appointment). Prices for mailing to overseas addresses are available on request (if ordering from an EU country please note that customs duty may now be charged).
Background chapters include a detailed overview of the different beetle habitats across the county, as well as assessments of which species are increasing, decreasing or have become extinct. The book considers beetles in the context of nature conservation and their incidence as indicators of wider ecological health. It also describes key sites in Hertfordshire where different species of beetle can be found.
In addition to the account of individual species, the main chapters cover:
Background to the study of Hertfordshire's beetles
History of beetle recording in Hertfordshire
Beetle habitats in Hertfordshire
Beetles on the move
Beetles and nature conservation
Key sites for beetles in Hertfordshire
Hertfordshire Natural History Society (HNHS) gratefully acknowledges generous financial support from the Royal Entomological Society and private donors towards the book's publication. As the latest in the acclaimed series of HNHS wildlife atlases, the book will not only delight specialists, but anyone interested in natural history in Hertfordshire and beyond who wants to learn more about this intriguing group of species.
Trevor James (1947-2020), the author, was the County Recorder for beetles (Coleoptera) in Hertfordshire for 40years. His book draws on his own, extensive fieldwork and studies, combined with a thorough review of historical records and the work of many other contributors.
Trevor's Flora of Hertfordshire (2009) is also published by HNHS (although currrently out of print).