The Flora Group has run a range of field meetings to study the County?s flora since the early 1990s, and members of the group carried out much of the field work for the Flora of Hertfordshire published in 2009. We also participate in national surveys, such as those to record for the New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora and the BSBI?s monitoring work.
Herts Flora Group Meetings 2020
The New Year Plant Hunt was held on 2 January in St. Albans Retail Park area in Griffiths Way. 41 species meeting the NYPH criteria of being in flower were found. The full list can be found on BSBI webpage.
Herts Flora Group Meetings 2018
Field meetings in 2018 were focused on areas in need of recording for BSBI?s Atlas project and/or checking on the current status of scarce species in the county. A full programme can be found here.
Herts Flora Group Meetings 2017
Our programme of field meetings for 2017 has now ended. Ian Denholm's summary of meetings and botanical highlights are posted here.
Herts Flora Group Meetings 2015
Once more this year, the group is focused on the needs of the BSBI 2020 Atlas field recording, and so many of these are in ?priority? tetrads as outlined in the Newsletter. One of the meetings is joint with the Herts BNA; another with the Cambridgeshire Flora Group, at their request; and one is slotted in from the BSBI national programme.
All meetings are intended to be all-day events, so please bring lunch and plenty to drink, as well as insect repellents, sun-hats, sun-cream etc. (and rain gear!). As always, be prepared to come with identification books, hand lenses, collecting equipment etc., and to be stationary for lengths of time!
In case you need to know: participants are covered by the general insurance of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society.
No dogs are to be brought on meetings and any children under 16 must be with a responsible adult.