Our widely-acclaimed book Butterflies of Hertfordshire and Middlesex was published in November 2016. Copiously illustrated with colour photographs taken in the two counties, it provides the first in-depth account of butterflies found in our area for almost 30 years.
The book is published in the same A4, hardback format as Birds of Hertfordshire and other popular HNHS atlases. It includes present-day and historic distribution maps for all 34 resident and migrant species recorded in recent years, together with an analysis of trend data. Its 272 pages also provide an expert evaluation of changing rural and urban landscapes and their impact on butterfly populations since the 1980s. Descriptions of more than 50 publicly accessible 'top spots' for butterflies are accompanied by maps and other information on visiting them.
If you buy Butterflies of Hertfordshire and Middlesex here you can choose to have the book dellivered by post for £28 or collect it (by prior appointment) from HNHS at 250 Sandridge Road, St Albans, AL1 4AL for £25.
Prices for mailing to overseas addresses are available on request. Payment can be made using your debit or credit card through our secure PayPal account. Orders will be acknowledged by e-mail. Alternatively send a cheque for £28 (or £25 if collecting the book), payable to 'Hertfordshire Natural History Society' together with your name, address, and telephone number to: Hertfordshire Natural History Society, c/o 250 Sandridge Road, St Albans, AL1 4AL. Add your email address if you wish for an immediate acknowledgement of your order.
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The author, Andrew Wood, is records collator for Butterfly Conservation's Hertfordshire and Middlesex Branch and the Hertfordshire recorder for butterflies. His expertise results from a lifelong enthusiasm observing, recording and writing about butterflies and moths.
Butterflies of Hertfordshire and Middlesex is published by HNHS with the welcome support of Butterfly Conservation's Hertfordshire and Middlesex Branch. The main chapters cover:
* Butterflies and the environment
* Recording butterflies
* Butterflies recorded since 2010
* Former residents
* Releases and accidental escapes
* Erroneous records
* Places to see butterflies
Everyone interested in seeing and appreciating butterflies in Hertfordshire and Middlesex, or in understanding their ecology at a time of significant habitat and climatic change, will want to own this attractive and scientifically important book.
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