Do you still have some 2024 records to submit, or want to go somewhere new in 2025?

We now have a map showing where our birds were recorded in 2024. This map shows species totals for each 1km square in the county, taken from records submitted to the Herts Bird Club website.

The fully interactive map can be found here - please click on a 1km square to show the total number of species recorded

The map has has been created by Dean Cornish, using around ten thousand records that were submitted with a grid reference attached. It shows coverage rather than a complete list of birds for each square, and with around half of the squares having no records submitted, confirms that there are lots of under-watched parts of the county that could be visited in 2025

We will be closing the website for 2024 submissions soon, so if you want to fill a gap on the map please submit any outstanding records as soon as possible

We were not able to use records that did not have a grid reference and so if you want to help to improve the map by adding a grid reference to any of your 2024 records, please contact Graham Knight here

The map will be updated later this year when records from eBird and Birdtrack are uploaded to our database